Sunday, March 4, 2007

"Profiteering Colleges" (2/23/07 p. A 22)

Talk about an issue that'll make your head spin. Profiteering Colleges explained how absurd some colleges have become.

Let me ask you: Is it ethical for colleges to target students who are poorly prepared for college who most likely wouldn't get accepted to a traditional college or university and have no hope of ever graduating? Maybe. Ok, is it ethical that these colleges are doing this simply to get money from these students, who will finally realize they've backed up more debt than they can handle and drop out? Absolutely not!

As a college student, I realize that web of debt is very easy to get stuck in. Am I being targeted? I think in a way, everyone that enters college in today's world is targeted for their money in some way. However, with the help of extra funds, whether they be accumulated or donated, scholarships to major colleges and universities are awarded to those in deserving need and those who are expected to graduate and give their school a good name.

This article points out issues that many of us are not aware of. There is hope. Legislative acts are being taken to eliminate this problem and help students stay in school. As in far as the ethics stretch out, students and the government need to be reassured they're getting what they paid for.


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